33 articles
How to choose the right wines for your wedding?
Published : 09/30/2024 | Categories : OenologyOrganizing a wedding can be a time-consuming task. The bride and groom find themselves in a situation where, within a given timeframe, they have to find a reception venue, flowers, a caterer, [...]
Which wines to drink on Valentine's Day?
Published : 09/30/2024 | Categories : News and InnovationsRoman origins and courtly love According to some sources, Saint Valentine's Day was instituted by the Church to counter the pagan fertility festival Lupercalia. This festival was dedicated to [...]
What to drink with raclette
Published : 09/30/2024 | Categories : Food and Wine PairingsThe history of raclette Raclette is a dish that originated in Switzerland. The eponymous cheese from which it takes its name originated in the Valais mountains in the Middle Ages. Although the [...]
What to drink with blanquette de veau?
Published : 09/30/2024 | Categories : Food and Wine PairingsThis Sunday family dish has become a benchmark of French gastronomy. You'll find it just as well in a small country restaurant as in a fine city eatery, or even at a more upscale address. This [...]
What to serve for a wine-based aperitif?
Published : 09/30/2024 | Categories : OenologyAn aperitif is an alcoholic beverage served before the meal towhet the appetite. The name aperitif comes from the Latin "apertivus", a derivative of "aperire", meaning "to open". Aperitifs fall [...]
What to drink with duck breast?
Published : 09/30/2024 | Categories : Food and Wine PairingsAccording to a survey conducted by TNS-Sofres, duck breast is one of France's favorite dishes. This tender, flavorful meat offers a wealth of recipe possibilities. The cooking method, sauce or [...]
With cheese, white or red?
Published : 09/30/2024 | Categories : Food and Wine PairingsDrinking red wine with cheese is a deeply ingrained habit that continues on many tables, especially in France, where tradition dictates that cheese is accompanied by the red wine opened for the main c
Wine flaws: cork taint
Published : 09/30/2024 | Categories : OenologyCork taint is characterized by a musty, moldy, or damp cellar smell. Every wine enthusiast has encountered these unpleasant odors at some point, without necessarily associating them with a faulty cork