Cigar Humidor CIG251
Discover the CIG251 cigar humidor: an elegant and secure case for your cigars, offering perfect humidity and temperature regulation. Preserve up to 250 cigars in ideal conditions, enhanced by a refined design and a UV-protected glass door.
Why an Electric Cabinet for Storing and Preserving Tobacco?
The CIG251 cigar cabinet guarantees ideal storage conditions to preserve and enhance all the aromas of your cigars.
Cigars dislike temperature or humidity fluctuations, so it’s essential to store them in a stable, regulated environment.
- If kept in a place that is too warm and humid, the tobacco swells and the wrapper cracks. In this case, the smoking experience will be affected as the tobacco will burn unevenly or even extinguish regularly. Humidity also promotes the growth of mold and bacteria.
- Conversely, if stored in a place that is too dry, the cigar may dry out and lose the aromas that give it strength and character.
Poor storage or preservation conditions will deteriorate the quality of the cigar itself, rendering your investment worthless, even if it was purchased in very good quality.
Investing in a cabinet specifically designed for storing cigars quickly proves essential for any true connoisseur and aficionado of fine cigars.
Stylish Cigar Cabinets
The cigar cabinet is black and fits all styles of interior décor, from an old-fashioned office to modern, contemporary, or even Scandinavian designs.
Its glass door is treated with UV protection, and the sleek stainless steel frame reveals the wooden drawers, offering an elegant cabinet.
Warranty of the Cigar Cabinet
The cabinet comes with a total warranty of 2 years (parts, labor, and travel in France).
CIG251 fiche_com_EN.pdf
CIG251 Label_441724.pdf
NOTICE CIG251 181022.pdf
CIG251 Fiche_441724_FR (1).pdf
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